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In an industry with so much complexity, getting the most efficient result in a responsible way is a constant challenge. 

SDEB GEOPHYSICIST provide services to the mining, oil and gas, infrastructure, urban development, water, and energy industries.

We afford:

  • developing of new  seismosafe technologies of blasting and evaluation of existing technologies with the subsequent issuance of recommendations;

  • developing of standard documentation for assessing of acceptable levels of seismic safety for different types of objects;

  • preliminary expert assessment of the projects for special blasting intended for destruction of the objects in the light of the seismic safety of protected sites;

  • analysis and expert evaluation of accidental explosions, terrorist attacks, etc


SDEB GEOPHYSICIST can support our clients through the entire project life cycle by providing consulting, engineering, and seismic safety services. We offer these services individually or as part of our full-service approach.

SDEB GEOPHYSICIST’s staff has a combined experience on blasting and heavy construction projects in urban environments and can assist the Contractor in developing a plan for monitoring and controlling vibration effects for these projects.

SDEB GEOPHYSICIST provides damage claim or complaint resolution assistance to Contractors, Developers, Engineers and Insurance companies.

Ground vibrations and air overpressures from blasting and other heavy construction sources are the cause for concern on many projects that take place in congested areas. 

SDEB GEOPHYSICIST provide both Attended and Unattended Vibration and Sound Monitoring.

A pre-construction survey serves to document pre-existing cracks that could become the subject of concern or a claim after construction begins. 

SDEB GEOPHYSICIST has knowlidge and big expiriance in seismic safety, blasting, mining and geotechnical engineeering fields We could help you learn more.

The main direction of the scientific research and there development perspectives:


I. Mathematical simulation with the use of the  wave process formation in detonation products, homogeneous and layered  soils and rocks  with availability of the obstacles and structure elements under the actions of explosive and impact loading.  New numerical methods, algorithms and software were created for the solution.

2. A modern digital complex of apparatus for seismic measurings  for registration of  quickly proceeded oscillation processes.

3. The methods of the seismic stability criterions for various objects and calculative methods for explosive works parameters

4. The methods of appraisal of consequences from  an accident under chemical explosives in various media (water, soil, air) on the base of following destructive factors
5. The methods for the calculation of the technological process parameters for ammunition liquidation with taken to account safety influence to environment, etc.

© 2015 by Special Design-Engineering Bureau GEOPHYSICIST, Scientific-Production Enterprise.

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